bags and being bogging - Peru part one
So we´ve arrived in Peru after a 8 hr flight from Dublin toAtlanta and 6 hrs from Atlanta to Peru.Highlights from Delta included haagen daas mid journey. However the ban on liquidsa nd aerosols did have a negative effecton our personal hygeine! Delta then crumbled in our estimation by managing to leave our bags in Atlanta (and those of around 30 other people on the flight). The lack of sleeping bags was most keenly felt as its pretty baltic in the sunless grey skies of Lima, as was the lack of toiletries, once again the team has bonded around our lack of cleanliness. When our bags arrived this morning however,w e were pretty happy but at the same time had been reminded that you can survive quite happily without a shower for three days and living simply is a pretty content way to be whehn living in a community of people. We start work tomorrow and had some time to see Lima today, having jsut avoided some roiting the last few days. Paul as our tallest member at six feet five literally is head and shoulders above all Peruvians.
AEGUP - the Peruvian IFES movement who we are working with have welcomed us amazingly, and are invovled in some awesome community development projects which we will be a part of. More soon..

Hey Sam,
Claire Hamilton (Johnny Park's Band). Got to you via Sarah's blog and had to read when I saw that you were in Peru. I love Peru. I spent a month there a few years ago and it really changed my life and blessed the socks off me. I hope it is equally great for you and I hope that the sun breaks through those horrid grey Lima skies. If you get a chance you can take the team shopping to Sagafalabella - even if just for the name.
God bless
hey sammy! A complete joy to read your blog and hear you what you've been up to and that you arrived safely even if your baggage didnt! You're all in my prayers and i know that God has amazing things to reveal to you all (jer33v3) during your time there so always let God lead you as you seek to lead your team. Wish i was there with you:) Dios te bendiga, holsx
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