Sunday, June 03, 2007

small, black and beautiful

Yes I have crossed to the dark side. Zoomie please don't kill me. I have entered ipod land. It just looks so nice. What did disturb me was that of its 30GB, well actually 27, I have already filled 14GB with music and a podcast frenzy. That's over 9 days solid of audio. Being a bit of a geek I was listening to some interesting stuff from Harvard Business Review - stay with me, and stop snoring, about the need for rest and healthy balance to life which stirred up some memories of one of my colleagues frightening me during the week by quoting something I said back at me (from something I did on sabbathing) which nicely tied in to my first ever visit to a book launch from the Shep on rediscovering Sabbath (no free books though). One of those dirty words that makes me think of people with placards and all the things I wasn't allowed to do on Sundays. So I've been thinking about sabbathing as a concept of something good and beautiful - even more so than the little black ipod. More soon...


ScatterCode said...

I got one too. Mine is silver. It arrived on Friday. I think I'm in love.

GNB said...

But it has SO got to be white.

You got it all wrong man.

soapbox said...

black is definitely the way forward, none of this innocent whiteness!