Tuesday, May 22, 2007

How sound are you?

Clearly with an exam tomorrow I should be considering Charles Gerkin's approach to pastoral care but nothing recharges the old grey matter more than thinking about something completely different. Following on from a previous post about the tension between what is I guess Paul's advice to Timothy to "watch your life and doctrine closely". Note not just watch your doctrine but life - how it is lived out. Orthodoxy without orthopraxis - or faith without works is dead, as James would say. I forgot to mention that I was asked "are you a young earth creationist or a heretic?". Now I have a strong stubborn/rebellious streak so even if I was a young earth creationist I would probably still have answered "I guess i'm a heretic then". It was ridiculous that my views one one matter should define whether someone respected/listened to me or wrote me off.

Anyway, my colleague has just written a blog entry on similar grounds - around the theme of how we measure our unity - by actions and/or belief. Check it out here.

Finally a couple of cartoons stolen from Dan Kimball on a similar note:

Which is more accurate? or sadly true?

Revision always allows you to find out bizarre things like your theological worldview:

Evangelical Holiness/Wesleyan


Neo orthodox




Classical Liberal


Roman Catholic




Reformed Evangelical


Modern Liberal




What's your theological worldview?
created with QuizFarm.com

Now I know....

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