Monday, June 26, 2006


I've been reading Jonah recently - the more I read it the weirder it is. I've struggled to get past the sunday school bits, but have really appreciated seeing a fresh perspective. Jonah really is a strange character - the reluctant prophet who despite experiencing God's grace doesn't want the people of Ninevah to experience it. He wants to see them judged and destroyed. It seems scandalous to Jonah that the God of the Jews should demean himself by offering his graciousness and forgiveness to pagans. Maybe there is also an element of shame - that a pagan people are quicker to trun to the living God than his own people, the Jews. So many of these things resonate with attitudes in my heart and the christian culture i've grown up in. How often are we more interested in pronouncing judgement and wanting to see people experience that, than realise that God created and loves those people as much as us? Are there people I think aren't as deserving of God's grace as I am? How many contradictions are there in that question. Do I want to restrict God's work to people just like me? In my writing off certain groups of christians (often the groups i've rebelled against), am I becoming just like them? Exhibiting the very attitudes and lack of grace I rebel against? And then there's the shame. As we look around this world we live in that God created, at the people made in his image who are suffering, is it shameful to us, the church that secular prophets are the ones calling for justice. Where are God's people to declare the dignity of people above profits? Where are God's people who are prepared to stand up and fulfill our mandate to care for creation, fopr the earth 'which he has given to humankind' (Psalm 115.16). Oh yeah, they are the people in the church with dodgy theology, they're not sound, you don't want to listen to them, stay in the nice safe place that sees things in black and white...

Friday, June 16, 2006


I've just been converted to pink. No, I haven't just gone and purchased a new wardrobe. The singer. She of the crazy hair. I did think, she's just into shock value, but then an interview on the Chris Moyles show changed that when 'Stupid Girls' was on the go. Art in my understandng is about comment and asking questions. Pink has certainly done that with her last two singles, taking on celebrity culture as personified by Paris Hilton and now asking George W some hard questions. Yes he's an easy target, and it is trendy to bush-bash, but Pink's latest song is thoughtful not just about Iraq but raising questions over other policies of the Bush Government. She cares and isn't afraid to show it and she's doing something with that. I respect that.
check out this observer article

Dear Mr. President
Come take a walk with me
Let's pretend we're just two people and
You're not better than me
I'd like to ask you some questions if we can speak honestly

What do you feel when you see all the homeless on the street
Who do you pray for at night before you go to sleep
What do you feel when you look in the mirror
Are you proud

How do you sleep while the rest of us cry
How do you dream when a mother has no chance to say goodbye
How do you walk with your head held high
Can you even look me in the eye
And tell me why

Dear Mr. President
Were you a lonely boy
Are you a lonely boy
Are you a lonely boy
How can you say
No child is left behind
We're not dumb and we're not blind
They're all sitting in your cells
While you pay the road to hell

What kind of father would take his own daughter's rights away
And what kind of father might hate his own daughter if she were gay
I can only imagine what the first lady has to say
You've come a long way from whiskey and cocaine

How do you sleep while the rest of us cry
How do you dream when a mother has no chance to say goodbye
How do you walk with your head held high
Can you even look me in the eye

Let me tell you bout hard work
Minimum wage with a baby on the way
Let me tell you bout hard work
Rebuilding your house after the bombs took them away
Let me tell you bout hard work
Building a bed out of a cardboard box
Let me tell you bout hard work
Hard work
Hard work
You don't know nothing bout hard work
Hard work
Hard work

How do you sleep at night
How do you walk with your head held high
Dear Mr. President
You'd never take a walk with me
Would you

here we go...

So i'm finally making my debut in the blog arena, venting all my rants somewhere into cyberspace in the vague hope some people may read them...